Lucky Trouble (Выкрутасы)
Russian title: Выкрутасы
Original title: Выкрутасы
Alternative titles:
Vykrutasy | Wykrutasy | Kolotilov | Колотилов | Tricksters | Vikrutasebi
Comedy – Russia
Production year: 2010
Movie length: 97 minutes
Director: Леван Габриадзе (Lewan Gabriadse, Levan Gabriadze)
Writer: Роман Непомнящий (Roman Nepomnjaschtschi, Roman Nepomnyashchiy)
Cinematograph: Марат Адельшин (Marat Adelschin, Marat Adelshin)
Music: Павел Есенин (Pawel Jesenin, Pavel Yesenin)
Lucky Trouble
Movie description:
Original-Blu-Ray In Lucky Trouble movie protagonist is Slava Kolotilov who is a school teacher by profession. He is from a small sleepy village but that has not make it hard for him to have big dreams. One of his dreams are about to be realized for he is soon to wed a beauty from the city. However before starting afresh at the city he has some matters to sort out at his village. There he gets caught up in matters one after another delaying his journey. While he is away his soon too be bride is going through some complicating matters for her former lover is pursuing her.
Lucky Trouble movie as it takes onlookers on an exciting enjoyment filled ride can expect to draw much attention as a motion picture. What makes this movie a not to be missed kind of flick is that this will have dealt in its store some fascinating cinematic elements such as comedy,romance and sports. It is not like everyday that viewers get to see movies dealing with those features making it possible to assume that this is going to be a crowd puller of a movie. With an engaging touch this can expect to offer audiences a laugh out loud ride.
In romance and comedy filled sports themed drama Lucky Trouble movie main character titled Slava Kolotilov will be given to life by actor Konstantin Khabenskiy. Starring opposite him in a key role will be actor Ivan Urgant. Leading lady of this motion picture will be Milla Jovovich. These are only some of the movie stars who will shine onscreen and it is possible to say that this is going to get much attention as a motion picture. Thus the promise of Lucky Trouble movie is a fun and hilarity filled joyride for all. Dealing with a storyline where cinematic elements such as comedy, romance and sports are highlighted an interesting motion picture this is most likely to be. With a talented cast on board audiences will be enabled to see some fine performances on wide screen. Thus taking these matters into account it can be said that this motion picture is going to be a well crafted and finely done motion picture. An engaging cinematic experience this is most likely to be delivering a fun and hilarity filled events.
Boy Actors
Savva Gusev
(Kara Sasha)
Birthday: 24.04.1998

Age of the actor:
approximately 12 years old
Dmitri Gogu
(Schielauge / Schieler / Kossoi)
Birthday: 19.04.1996

Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Birthday: 02.03.1997

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Dzhuba Ardishvili
Birthday: 20.05.1996

Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Birthday: 20.05.1996

Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Birthday: 17.07.1996

Age of the actor:
approximately 14 years old
Ilya Sologub
Year of birth: 1997

Age of the actor:
approximately 13 years old
Vladimir Lupanov
(Kapitän von ZAO)
Birthday: 23.03.1995

Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
More informations
This film was registered by Andrass into the movie list!
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